Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Indy Vs. Bond: The Rivalry You Never Thought Of

(Don't know why this is at the top of the page right now
but it is so just remember how much ya love it. And also
remember that I wrote this in High School, so hold some
judgement because we weren't all perfect in high school)

In film class today we just got done watching Dr. No. It was my first time seeing it and ya know, it was good I guess. I think people feel obligated to like it, because it's the first James Bond movie; it's filled with diarrhea music(*) and that's very distracting for me. After we finished up watching it, I brought up the fact that if I had to choose to win in a fight, I'd take Indiana Jones against James Bond.

(*) That sounds gross, it's because it is. Diarrhea music is when a movies or TV shows overplay music during a scene and for no apparent reason. Dr. No is chalk-full of it, some episodes of Friday Night Lights season 1 have it bad too and the first episode of Justified has it as well.

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Comprehensive Sam Wieland Media Diary Idea He Stole From Director Steven Soderbergh-February 2015

I don't think I have to explain myself to you people, not twice at least, so here's the January entry of this for context and one of those ICYMI (which stands for "In Case You Missed It"-sometimes people don't know what stuff like that stands for, and as far as I'm concerned ICYMI is a top-five acronym).