Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What All's Changed In A Year, Especially After Something So Heroic And Momentous?

First off, if you weren't aware, yesterday was the anniversary of something incredibly significant. Something everyone should remember, and if you don't then yer just plain, well, dumb. And it's no knock on you, after all it's not like this country-nay WORLD- has been celebrating for the past who knows how many years! There's only one special thing that could happen on November 11 and that's the remembrance of me publishing this historic blog post all those months ago. [EDITOR'S NOTE: Oh God. Veteran's Day was yesterday too. Oof. Well, I already wrote down just how important the post is, so just... I don't know. I guess two important things happened yesterday in history, I'll leave you to be the judge of what ranks higher.]

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My Roommate Bought A Hat With The Word "Bitch" On It

I'm new to the hat wearing world, as you're probably all familiar with by now. Hats are great, hats are fun, and they're celebrated strongly on two different Sundays in our world country (Easter and The Kentucky Derby). I have no beefs with hats, only the hat wearer. This was something I never thought of, until of course I saw that my roommate bought a winter hat, like a beanie (but not this kind of beanie), that just says the word "bitch" on it. Well actually it says "BITCH" which is even more hostile, when you think about it.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What It's Like To Be Self Conscience About Your Play Counts

I'll tell you now. It's terrible. It's like publicly and yet secretly ousting your favorite child. It'd be like my parents announcing in our non-existant family newsletter (Wieland's Gazette!) that they've thrown more love and attention at me than at my brothers. Except I'm the only subscriber.

Friday, June 7, 2013

My 15 Minutes Of Very Courageous Fame

For the record, Corby took this picture
and tweeted it. I was somewhat more
twitter famous than I already am.
For those of you that aren't from the Dallas area, or have little to no knowledge (or better yet, interest) in the radio station, The Ticket, then I'm afraid this post just isn't for you. Not that you won't get to hear the great exploits of yours truly, you probably just won't resonate with my level of excitement. This was and is a fair warning. If I get complaints, then so help me......

Thursday, May 2, 2013

To Whomever's Number I Gave Out, Sorry Dawg

So I haven't posted anything in a good long while. I went all the way through April without peeking my head out to see what all the fuss was about. I've got one post planned, that really should've gone up two weeks ago and hell if I know if I'll continue my sad excuse of a March Madness thing. You remember that right? Nope? Well who could be surprised. Certainly not me.