Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What All's Changed In A Year, Especially After Something So Heroic And Momentous?

First off, if you weren't aware, yesterday was the anniversary of something incredibly significant. Something everyone should remember, and if you don't then yer just plain, well, dumb. And it's no knock on you, after all it's not like this country-nay WORLD- has been celebrating for the past who knows how many years! There's only one special thing that could happen on November 11 and that's the remembrance of me publishing this historic blog post all those months ago. [EDITOR'S NOTE: Oh God. Veteran's Day was yesterday too. Oof. Well, I already wrote down just how important the post is, so just... I don't know. I guess two important things happened yesterday in history, I'll leave you to be the judge of what ranks higher.]

I wish I had a picture of myself to really let this whole thing sink in; ya know, do one of those cool "then and nows," but alas I obviously didn't weigh the importance back then. What a foolish fool I was. Embarrassing is what this whole ordeal is. Truly, truly embarrassing. November's an important month here at ol' RATJ: we've got our birthday on the 22nd (coincidence, or conspiracy? You be the judge); we've got this post; the birth of one of the greatest thing I've ever come up with (much to my mom's strong dislike); I usually get a Potter post out this month because I don't know; um, have you heard of this thing called "Autumn?

So yeh. November's a big deal around here. Especially what happened a year ago yesterday. Which was what?! Wait, you don't remember? God, guys! Come on! It's the anniversary of when I posted one of the most difficult things I've ever had the pleasure of writing(*). It was that awesome/cool/rad 200 Question Spectacular! Uh-duh-doy!

(*For this anyways. My Nelson Mandela "research paper," if you can call it that, in 10th grade was maybe harder to write, but only maybe)

And if you're anything like me, then you've probably wondered if any of my answers have changed since it first debuted. So right now, I'll go scroll through and see if any have.

I would like to change the following answers to the following questions:
6. Yes, yes I was
15. I don't cry. I'm a real man. Though if we're being frank here: Friday, October 26, 2012
26. I won't give either the satisfaction of a sufficient answer
29. I still stand by it
32. Horns was a poor choice of words. Spikes is a better one. Also to get away from a swarm of something: a bear or a moose
35. While this is my mantra, the Itchy And Scratchy segment "Scar Trek: The Next Laceration" probably takes that cake now
40. I already answered this in this particular post, idiot
43. 127 hours would've been cooler and a more socially relevant answer
46. I stand by #Slaymaker, though some  may have you believe that it's #courage. And to that I say: they're synonymous
50. I realize now it should be World Marathon-as in a marathon the length of the World
51. Boom. Pretty incredible that I seeded that post from so long ago
60. What're you stupid! Taking stupid pills! My answer should obviously be "High Pitched Crying Man"

64. Probably one of the most important questions answered. Stand by my decisions 100%
67. What a dumbly personal question (which I'm realizing was a pretty popular theme)
71. Oh how young, foolish and juvenile I was
77. Pretty clever, right
89. What a fool I was for neglecting to include this. Though, you could arguably just say the entire movie and that'd be a sufficient answer.
93. Another deep seeded one. So I say again, "Boom"
104. Pretty sure you get some pretty awesome porn pop-ups if you click that Bane link. There are better ones out there kids, I feel confident you can find them on your own
106. She still hasn't gotten it, and ya know wha? It feels pretty good
108. What a dumb question as well as response
113. I think I meant to delete the word "admirable"
117. Hehehehehe
118. "101" for the win
138. A simple "their" "there" "they're" mistake that we're all capable of making. You know what, I'm gonna go in and update that outta pure embarrassment. Ain't it good to admit these things?
153. Thanks IMDb. You're a life saver.
172. The hell is a Sharon Horgan?
179. Classic Sam!
192. Good God, I was desperate for questions, wasn't I

Remind me to never do anything like this ever again.

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