We're a couple of months removed from the season of love, but lets go back there for a moment, because believe it or not, that's when I meant to write this. Look at that, it's 7 degrees outside, and my oh my, that windchill is dreadful. Why God, why am I back here in the dreaded season of love again?! Love may be in the air, but it is a biting and fearful one! What will keep me warm in this season of the tundra?
Desmond And Penny
"I love ya, Penny"-for as much as Lost was about a bunch of prettier Gilligans, Professors, Gingers, Mary Anns and Skippers stranded on an island, at its core, it was about relationships. And there is no better or fairy-tale-esque than Desmond and Penny. Like a higher stakes Montagues and Capulets (hey look, there's their mutual friend) higher powers didn't want them to be together, ranging anywhere between a giant pocket of electro-magnetism or Caleb Nichol knowing what's best. And yet, like life, they found a way and is there anything truly more beautiful about than when Penny and Des finally reunite after years of being apart? This could be because Desmond turned into the best character on the show during mid-way season 3 through season 4 (Sawyer then picked up that slack, as did Ben, Locke and Sayid) and if there's nothing really quite like seeing a Scotsman reach the end of his journey, victorious and embraced in the arms of the woman he loves.
Sun and Jin
There are definitely times where you could argue that this twosome had the number one spot in this here ol' pointless thing I'm putting together. After all, we were with Sun and Jin from the very beginning, but they had to make us read all those subtitles (and listen to Korean, which no offense to Korea, is not the prettiest thing in the world to listen to). And along with the time taken into account with the Kwons, we see that Jin was just doing what was best for his wife, for the family he wanted to have; he was a good-an honorable man, in a hellacious situation! But we all know you can't live in good intentions, which is why they can't be number one. Also, Sun cheated on Jin and ya can't reward that. Their reuniting and tragic end, however, can. You two made me cry the hardest, the first time I saw it and I can't forget that (even though you totally overshadow Sayid's heroic end).
Juliet And Sawyer
You shouldn't judge greatness in a relationship off of hotness, but man what a handsome couple (I'd say the third most handsome). But beyond that, their ranking here is based purely on the fact that we only get like, what, a whole season of them together? And not even one of the early 22 or 24 episode seasons either nor was it for the entire season. It's like a tease of what we should've had for longer, but we didn't get it. But that moment in the last episode at the vending machine.....real life just isn't enough after that, right *grabs box of tissues*.
Sayid And Nadia
Every badass Iraqi torturer has a soft side, it's why Zero Dark Thirty was never and will never be as popular as Lost. Their screen time together was short, but isn't that what made this fictional couple so compelling. Alright, I really don't have much on these two, besides they warm my heart. It's nice to think about, but in the sideways universe they can't even be together and she definitely gets run over by a car when Sayid returns to LA. So....*whistles* pretty sad.
Ethan And Never Dying
Seriously, homie dies in season 1 and just keeps finding ways to pop back up. Flashbacks help and so do sideways dimensions, but Ethan never dies. Even his kid version, because we see him at one point to. It's actually super impressive, he's got to be the only "other" who dies, but doesn't stay dead. He's the Jean Grey of Lost.
Sawyer And Being Quick On His Feet With Nicknames
This is only from seasons 1-3 and I bet it's not even all of it; the man loves his nicknames and frankly, you need someone like that on yer hell island.

Locke And Helen (Season 6 Only)
Confined to a wheelchair, but in love and that's all that matters. Katey Sagal had actual chemistry with Terry O'Quinn, not that it'd be hard to, but they're scenes together, even in non-qualifying seasons are really good and nice. Except for the times where it's a depressingly toxic relationship, those times aren't so good and nice.
Claire And Her Constantly Stringing Charlie Along
There are three things that Claire loves, this is the first.
Claire And Peanut Butter
She claims to be "the only Australian who loves peanut butter."
Claire And Not Keeping A Good Eye On Her Child
Rose And Bernard
No better reveal than seeing who Bernard was back in season 2. Couldn't give less of a shit about their episodes ("S.O.S."), but whatever. They cool old people.
Nikki And Paulo
Always and forever, Nikki and Paulo. Has anyone ever had a better google career than these two from this show? Nope.
Lapidus And Flying Things
Man's gotta have a passion.
Neil (AKA Frogurt) Being Referred To As Steve Buscemi Until You Learn His Name
Now go out there and watch!
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