Could I try and make a connection, like there's something to be said on a deeper level about following a Mos Def album with a Hank Williams one? Probably, but I don't have any damn idea what it could be and I'm not even kind of interested in trying to find something there. Really, if we're being onions, this is just like me taking inventory in case anything were to happen and I need to remember what all happened to me musically in 2015. The highs the lows, everything.
Plus, like, I've got an explanation for everything, so this could be worth your while and also, wow look how diverse and special I am.
Ocean's Twelve soundtrack-Have you even listened to "Lifting The Building" or "7/29/04 Day Of" and can tell me what specifically happens in those parts in the movie? No? Get out of here.
Boogie Nights soundtrack-Seems pretty self-explanatory if you've seen this movie. Plus, I really needed "Driver's Seat" more freely at my disposal, because I feel like Buck at the New Year's Eve party 9 times out of 10, but every once in a while I'm Todd Parker. Or at the very least, Reed Rothchild.
Codes And Keys by Death Cab For Cutie-This happened during the great Sad Boy awakening in February/March and it was glorious.
St. Vincent by St. Vincent-I'll be honest, I haven't listened to this album. Maybe the first couple of tracks, but really have not listened at all. Sorry.
Greenberg soundtrack-Enter the Baumbach vacuum of norm-core that reminds you "oh yeah, Ben Stiller's worth a damn" and a soundtrack that compliments Baumbach as well as a Wes Anderson one does to he. Plus James Murphy (G.O.A.T.) did the score and have you ever wondered what cocaine in the 80's (that's not depicted in Goodfellas) is like? Yeh, me too.
Seeds by TV On The Radio-Best album of 2015? Yeh, I agree. What's that? It came out in 2014? Listen fella, as far as I'm concerned, "Let The Devil In" is still the best song of the year of 06, 07, 08 and 2014. What took its place in 2015? "Quartz," "Winter" or "Lazerray" most likely.
Carrie & Lowell by Sufjan Stevens-Gut wrenching album. A beauty of one too. Saw it live, though if I had a choice, 16-year-old Sam coulda seen this one and 21-year-old Sam coulda seen the Age Of Adz show.
Kintsugi by Death Cab For Cutie-Made the mistake of getting Seeds around the same time as this and I had just gotten out of Death Cab rotation, so this was user error. It's a good Plans throwback though.
Ill Communication, Paul's Boutique, Hello Nasty, Check Your Head by Beastie Boys-Have a summah!
Merriweather Post Pavilion by Animal Collective-Fall semester my freshman year is when I really took in Animal Collective. Guess what, they still jam if you're looking for computer music or as friends of mine described recently "noise" which I take slight umbrage with. Plus I came up with a pretty sweet playlist called "Saminal Collective" which is pretty clever if you ask me.
Radiohead concert from 2008 when they played in Dallas-In Rainbows tour. Was listening to a Hardline segment where they were talking about the best concerts they've ever been to. Dug it up. It's good.
Sufjan concert from the Age Of Adz tour in Chicago-Was on a "looking for concerts" kick and remember what I said about Carrie & Lowe? I don't have to explain myself (as he keeps typing explanations)
Stop Making Sense, Remain In Light, Fear Of Music, Talking Heads: 77, More Songs About Buildings And Food, Little Creatures and Speaking In Tongues by The Talking Heads-Hey guess what: Top 10 band right here. Was the goal to get enough of this band's music to make an acceptable greatest hits album of my own accord? YES! (no, and I still haven't done it, but hey guess what: "The Great Curve" and "Don't Worry About The Government" will be on there, don't worry. Also, quick aside: how many times has Mark Mothersbaugh listen to "Don't Worry About The Government" in his life? Probably the most out of anyone ever, right?
Mirror Traffic by Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks-Yeh, I've barely listened to it. It's good, but not exactly what I was geared up for, but it's due for a good rediscover somewhere down the line.
Something/Anything? and A Wizard, A True Star by Todd Rundgren-Want Elton John without the drag of listening to Elton John and who's got a hint of Bowie to him? Yeh, I did too. And somehow "I Saw The Light" and "It Takes Two To Tango" cracked my top 10 most listened to songs, which seems like a glitch, but whatever.....guess I'm just a sensitive guy deep down. Ladies.
Mag Earwhig! and Alien Lanes by Guided By Voices-That is some sweet, sweet 90's garage rock if I've ever heard it. My goodness. See also: Bee Thousand which is better than the two, but what inspired me to get these.
Gold by Ryan Adams-We were all feeling Ryan Adams fever, especially once that 1989 cover album came out. Which I still haven't listened to. But I have listened to Gold and Rock N Roll which are fine companions to Heartbreaker, though I'd say Rock N Roll is the album to go with. Ya know, when you've exhausted Heartbreaker.
Unknown Pleasures and Closer by Joy Division-Shocker. I'm a white guy who goes to an arts school in a major metropolitan city. I KNOW PAIN! I KNOW "Isolation."
Fleetwood Mac and Tusk by Fleetwood Mac-Come at me "Monday Morning"s! (that's what I call haters, cus I've got little bit of Garfield in me) Can I also inquire as to how Cameron Crowe, far as I know, hasn't used "Over My Head" in one of his movies.
Power, Corruption & Lies by New Order-Natural.....order (yeaaaahhhhhh!) of things, what with that Joy Division kick I was in. Did I listen to this all that much? What do you think?
Port Of Morrow by The Shins-If liking this album is wrong than I don't want to be right. Who cares if the band's more James Mercer And The Mercer-naries (unofficial name, contact me if interested in rights to it) than The Shins, but this is still a solid album that fits naturally into the Shins discography.
The Whole Love by Wilco-Yeh, have barely listened to, but feels like the Trouble Will Find Me of Wilco's timeline. In that, I'm sure it's very very good I just have not consumed it, because it's more of the same in a good way not in an Arcade Fire type way.
#1 Record and Radio City by Big Star-The destruction of Grantland and trying to appease the god known as Steven Hyden, because Big Star's one of his favorite bands. Power pop Southern goodness, like the America's answer to The Kinks, and how could you be made about that?
Bright Flight and Starlite Walker by Silver Jews-I'd been listening to American Water a lot (because it's really good) and these are good, but not as adaptable. And probably a case of Kintsugi. Except I've definitely listened to Bright Fight more.
How To Destroy Angels by How To Destroy Angels-Great and expertly accommodates the scores of Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and The Social Network...
Hesitation Marks and The Slip by Nine Inch Nails....and so does this. I just got more caught up listening to those scores more than this. But really, I had no business listening to either (mainly Dragon Tattoo) because the weather in Chicago did not lend itself to to the proper conditions to listen to this music (it wasn't cold enough, simple as that).
Alright, so when I came back home for the best holiday in the year, I found some CDs in my room that I knew weren't on this confounded computer and guess what I says to myself. I says, "Sam, come over here. [whispering] Now I don't know about you, but I'm seeing these CDs and I'm thinking, ya gotta get these things into that confounded computer of yours. Now, now here me out, slick. Yer gonna thank me for this one day" and I haven't looked back since.
I Should Coco by Supergrass-Good, but as good as their self title album? Nah, I don't think so, but still good and not just cus it has "Alright" is on this album. It's because "She's So Loose Is" duh.
The Black And White Album by The Hives-Listen, I can be a bit of a completist with stuff and while I don't dig this album fully, you can't neglect stragglers, which is probably not the word you'd use with this album for The Hives, considering their most commercially popular song is off this album ("Tick Tick Boom")
Prisoners Of Love: A Smattering Of Scintillating Senescent Songs: 1985-2003 by Yo La Tengo-Biggest regret of 2015: passing up a chance to see Yo La Tengo live, because I hadn't listened to them in a long while and I couldn't remember if I like them all that much. Stupid, stupid, 2015 Sam. Of all the mistakes you made this one's the one that's made you feel most like a fool. That and not going to a national pinball convention in Chicago (kind of).
When I Was Cruel by Elvis Costello-Listen here, Mr. Costello, blame Yo La Tengo for why I haven't dug back into your music recently. Though I will say that "45" is still awful infectious.
Shake The Sheets by Ted Leo & The Pharmacists-I was essentially forced to put this back in my library, because something happened to my copy of "Me And Mia" (don't you hate when that specific thing happens to ya) and it didn't recognize it has a whole album...it's a whole thing. I don't understand it. But it's put back on there, so maybe it'll be stronger or something, I dunno.
Time Capsule by Tripping Daisy-What you think I've listened to this any? Have you even made it this far down? Good gravy, get a life and go outside or something.
Jennie Bomb by Sahara Hotnights-See above. And also, happy Thanksgiving! Gobble, gobble and all that.
Popular Songs by Yo La Tengo-Honest to God, really the only album I listened to in this batch and hey it's great. Remember that regret I had? Yeh, was strongly reinforced while discovering this album. Especially after finding one of the best jams I've ever listened to over and over and over again "And The Glitter Is Gone"
A River Ain't Too Much To Love by Smog
Flight Of The Conchords, The Distant Future (EP) and I Told You I Was Freaky by Flight Of The Conchords-Alright, I kinda lied, I listened to my fair share of Flight Of The Conchords, mainly because I was re-watching the show as well. Unfortunately not all the songs from the show are featured on the albums, which seems like a shame, but I don't make CDs so what do I know. Though the world could probably really benefit from "Stay Cool Brett" being on an album, I think.
Prince and Sign O' The Times by Prince-This was more of a preemptive strike. I know I'm gonna go through a Prince phase soon, so this was like the gearing up montage in Hot Fuzz. Don't worry, it'll come soon. Though thanks to this genius feature from The AV Club, I knew what to do.
The Drift, Tilt and Boy Child: 67-70 by Scott Walker
Foolish and Majesty Shredding by Superchunk-I am a cool and with-it individual who listens to alternative music and if you can't deal then I say get out.
Bright Idea: remember when I found those CDs in my room during Thanksgiving? Yeh me too. So I got a hand dandy flash drive and went to the ole home computer and got what I needed off of that. Did it take some time? Yes. Yes it did. Does it raise some questions? Probably and if you have any, redirect them to my secretary, Shannon, she'd be glad to help you out and I'll get to them real, real soon. Unless they're dumb questions in which case I'll tell them (the questions) to get lost!
Some "unknown album" stuff, Red Flame, Faces Of Lil B Vol 2: Based God Is Eternal by Lil B
"All The Young Dudes" as in a single by Bowie
$64 Cologne by Pimp C
8 Diagrams by Wu-Tang Clan
Just a hodgepodge of Ryan Adams live bootlegs and stuff, Love Is Hell, Demolition by Ryan Adams
Your New Favourite Band and Barely Legal by The Hives
I Came From Nothing 3 by Young Thug
You're A Woman, I'm A Machine by Death From Above 1979
Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots By The Flaming Lips
With A Cape And A Cane by The Joggers
Wait (EP), Together We're Heavy, a bootleg ("Fragile Army Mashup) and The Fragile Army by The Polyphonic Spree
Vivadixiesubmarinetransmissionplot by Sparklehorse-I agree, it does look like someone sneezed out a bunch of letters and strung em together. No, there is not a red squiggle underneath the word, I don't know what the deal is either.
Vinyl Fantasy 7 by Team Teamwork
Veckaflyest-a Li'l Wayne and Grizzly Bear mashup-[puts fingers in ears to ignore your hateful words]
This Year's Model by Elvis Costello
These Are Jokes by Demetri Martin
Their Satanic Majesties Request Hot Rocks: 1964-1971 and Beggars Banquet by The Rolling Stones
A Dirty Projectors bootleg ("Rise Above"), Rise Above, Bitte Orca and a Daytrotter Session by the Dirty Projectors
Sung Tongs, Fall Be Kind (EP) and Here Comes The Indian by Animal Collective
Spiderman Of The Rings and Bromst by Dan Deacon
Some Loud Thunder by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
So Far by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Phrenology and Game Theory by The Roots
None Shall Pass and 2 Daytrotter Sessions by Aesop Rock
Food & Liquor by Lupe Fiasco
Some Neutral Milk Hotel concert from San Francisco from 1998
The Live (EP) by The Black Keys
Live At First Avenue Club, Minneapolis, MN by Arcade Fire
"Investigative Reports" off Liquid Swords-There's nothing more condescending than seeing a "Show Complete Album" on your iPod and it turns out I had an incomplete album on my hands, and it was time to right that wrong. Know what I'm sayin'.
Kala by M.I.A.
Juno soundtrack
In It For The Money by Supergrass
I Can Hear The Heart Beating As One by Yo La Tengo
I Am An Elastic Firecracker by Tripping Daisy
The Greatest and two tracks off of The Covers Record by Cat Power
Face The Truth by Stephen Malkmus
Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog soundtrack-Still no all the words to most songs, because I am a renaissance man, dammit.
Daydream Nation by Sonic Youth
Coast to Coast Outtakes by The Faces
Blazing Arrow by Blackalicious
LiveLoveA$AP by ASAP Rocky
Pretty much says it all. It took the better part of a billion hours to upload every single one of these gah dang CDs into my gah dang computer. It probably only took 4 hours actually. Felt like 7. Who really knows anymore.
I Am Not Afraid Of You And I Will Beat Your Ass by Yo La Tengo
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot Demos and Kicking Television: Live In Chicago [Disc 1] by Wilco-Really the only thing I've listened to and I can say that this disc trumps disc 2, but just by a smidge.
Raw Power by The Stooges
The Clash by The Clash
Never Mind The Bollocks Here's The Sex Pistols by The Sex Pistols
Past Masters Vol. 1&2 by The Beatles
Man @ Work by Colin Hay
Five Live Yardbirds by The Yardbirds
Mermaid Avenue, Vol. 2 and Must I Paint You A Picture? by Billy Bragg
Blinking Lights And Other Revelations [Disc 2] by The Eels
Neil Young and Living With War by Neil Young
The Grand Hour (EP) by Guided By Voices
New Adventures In Hi-Fi by R.E.M.
The New Danger by Mos Def
Low Down Blues by Hank Williams
Is It Something I Said? by Richard Pryor
Say It Live And Loud: Live In Dallas 8.26.68 by James Brown
Elizabethtown soundtrack
Artist's Choice: Below The Radio-a compilation
Monsoon by Preston School Of Industry
Do You Want More?!!??! by The Roots
More Adventurous by Rilo Kiley
The Woods by Sleater-Kinney
It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back by Public Enemy
Hand It Over by Dinosaur Jr.
Bigger & Blacker by Chris Rock
Power In Numbers by Jurassic 5
To The 5 Boroughs by Beastie Boys
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